2SOUL highly cares about your privacy and data protection. We are committed to offering the highest standards of products and services. Thus, we value each of our existing or prospective clients and aim at maintaining appropriate protection of your personal data (“Data”).

This 2SOUL Privacy Policy explains how 2SOUL collects and processes your Data when you use our website, app or other digital platforms (“Platforms”), when you purchase 2SOUL products via our platforms or via our points of sales, when you visit our points of sales, when you fill in and submit one of our Boutique Cards, when you apply for a job at 2SOUL or when you otherwise interact with or are displayed content about 2SOUL, as required by the data protection laws in the territories in which we do business, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation.

Local-specific amendments referred to below also apply to consumers in those territories and may in some cases set out different standards due to applicable local laws, rules and regulations. If so, the local-specific amendment will govern in the event of a conflict.

Part I. – General provisions

Provides the general provisions applicable to all 2SOUL data processing, whether you visit us on 2SOUL Platforms or in our points of sales, and irrespective of the jurisdiction from which they are operated or in which you are located or reside.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your Data?

To know the entity acting as a data controller for the processing of your Data.

2. What Data do we collect and how?

The categories of Data we collect about you depend on your activity and interaction with 2SOUL. Your Data may be collected when you purchase a product at 2SOUL (e.g. Basic Data, Purchase Data; After-Sales Data), when you use the 2SOUL Platforms (e.g. Log Data, Social Media Data), when you subscribe to the 2SOUL newsletter (e.g. Marketing Data), when you apply for a job at 2SOUL or when you otherwise interact with 2SOUL (e.g. Request Data).

3. Why do we collect and process your Data and how do we justify the processing of your Data?

We may process your Data for various purposes, depending on your interaction with us, for example to enable you to purchase a product at 2SOUL or provide you with 2SOUL services, to process your requests, to keep you informed about our latest collections and events, to collect your opinion, and generally to know you better in order to offer you a personalized experience. Each processing of your Data is legally based either on your consent, the necessity to carry out a contract with you, a legal obligation and/or our overriding legitimate interest depending on the purpose of the processing.

4. To whom could we disclose your Data?

To the extent permitted by applicable law and as necessary depending on the purpose of processing, your Data may be shared within the 2SOUL Organization, in specific cases to service providers acting on 2SOUL’s behalf to provide you or 2SOUL with some services, or in limited cases to governmental authorities or external advisors.

5. International Data Flows

Your Data may be transferred to jurisdictions not providing the same level of data protection than in your jurisdiction, in particular when Data is shared within the 2SOUL Organization. In any event, such data transfers are secured by the execution of data transfer agreements in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

6. For how long do we keep your Data?

2SOUL keeps your Data as long as necessary to provide you with the requested services, or to comply with our legal obligations.

7. What are your rights?

You have several rights on your Data (e.g. right of access, rectification, erasure, objection, etc.) which are listed here and which you may exercise at any time.

8. How to Contact 2SOUL for Privacy Queries?

You may contact 2SOUL  for exercising your rights and for any question on this privacy policy.

Part II. – Provisions specifically applicable to 2SOUL Platforms

Provides the specific provisions applicable to 2SOUL data processing implemented only on 2SOUL Platforms.

1. What cookies do we use and how can you object to such use?

When you first visit 2SOUL’s Platform, you will be provided with information concerning the use of cookies and if applicable, 2SOUL will register your choice(s). 2SOUL may install cookies when you visit our Platforms to ensure the appropriate use of the platforms, to personalize our services and to provide you with personalized content and improve the use our Platforms. You can always manage your cookies preferences Privacy Preference Center.

2. What is the data processing carried out for digital advertising?

When you browse on our Platforms, and upon your consent, we will provide you with marketing content personalized to your needs and interests.

3. What is the data processing carried out when you apply for a job on our Platforms?

2SOUL may process your Data if you apply for a job at 2SOUL in order to process your application.

Part III. – Provisions specifically applicable to 2SOUL points of sales

Provides the specific provisions applicable to 2SOUL data processing implemented only via 2SOUL points of sales.

2. Other activities

Other activities might be conducted in the points of sales you are visiting (e.g. facial recognition, measurement and analysis of Client’s movements within the Boutiques, COVID-19 protection), additional and specific notices will be available in such points of sales.

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